
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Of Resolutions and Such....

I've never been one for resolutions, but as we've entered into the new year I have definitely looked back at what I've enjoyed and what I've learned over the last.

I've thought about what I want to release and what I want to let in.

In this coming year I want to release the pattern in me that says I have to "fix things."

There is some part of me that thinks the whole world is going to end if I can't make people happy.

Just like anything, this can be a blessing and a curse.

The problem is when I lose who I am in the mix- when I become so riddled with anxiety and shame that I say (or don't say) or do (or don't do) things that are not in alignment with who it is I really am.

Wanting to fix things, some would say, can often come from not wanting to feel the discomfort of those things ourselves.

So I'm starting there.

I want to carry with me the following questions into daily life, so I can sooner identify when I'm in this pattern, and sooner step out of it:


Question #1:
Am I trying to fix this?

Question #2:
If yes, what am I trying to fix?

Question #3:
Why am I trying to fix it?

Question #4:
What will I gain from "fixing it"?

(and finally)

Question #5:
What could I gain from letting it go and NOT fixing it?


As for what I want to allow in- it's spending more time with the people who make me feel supported;

Those who make me feel like I /B E L O N G/,

NOT like I have to fit in.

I have come to realize in these last few years-increasingly so- how V E R Y important it is to surround yourself with people who support you as you already are;

And who see your value even when

 you can't see it yourself. 

I am going to make more dates with these kinds of friends

-and with my dang husband for that matter-haha!

Some days I would rather huddle alone at home and recuperate my energy- and I respect that about myself;

but I'm going to try to start reaching out more.

And maybe just as importantly-

I want to let in people who not only want to see me shine my light,
🌟 🕯 🌟
but who also want to shine theirs. 

Because offering that support back is just as important to me.

So I am starting there, too.

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