
Sunday, January 27, 2019

What I Believe

My belief is that we all have a purpose.

And, that, deep down, we want to live a life of purpose.

I believe it is easy to believe the lie that to have purpose we must perform epic acts.

In fact, I believed that lie for a long time.  I now believe living our purpose is just simply living our truth in each moment as it comes.

I also believe that for most of us it takes a lot of bravery and courage to show up to our purpose- our truth;

To speak it and to live it.

Not to mention, I'm pretty sure it can often take a lot of work to remove all the layers of BS that obscure just what it is.

At least, it has been that way for me.

And, I believe, just what it is has always been a part of us.

I believe finding it requires that we quiet all the fear voices running through our head

-all the "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" and "what will they thinks."

I believe to quiet it we must find time to sit in stillness with ourselves.

We need time to process all of those thoughts and feelings; to sort them out and examine them.

It's so much easier to hide under the layers of BS and distraction.

But we need time and stillness to let that quieter voice

-the one that's way down deep in the core of our truest selves-

rise to the surface.

That's the real work.  That, and accepting ourselves within each layer as we peel it back and discover what's hiding underneath.

And then it's the acceptance that facilitates the allowing of that quiet voice to not just step forward, but for us to give it value.

And as we give it value, it is the bravery and courage that has to kick in for us to not just listen to it, but to follow it as well.

It is my truest desire that we will all come to know our purpose, and that we will live so in purpose that we will have more joy than misery in our lives.

That isn't to say we should deny that misery, because life will always have painful moments.

I just happen to think that the more we live according to our truth- our purpose- the less that misery can keep us down.

I believe that there is purpose to be found in pain.  I believe that finding purpose in pain can reveal our super powers.

I believe the more we accept that everything has its place, the more we can live a life less clouded by resistance and shame.

And I believe the less resistance and shame, the more layers we can peel back. 

And that under each new layer, we will find more and more truth, more and more purpose, and thus more and more joy.

And I believe the number one key to all of this is to always be curious;

And to always be willing to learn and expand.

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