
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Everything is a Song

Well, it's been two weeks ("since you looked at me, cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry...")

Yeah, yeah.  I'm a cornball and everything is a song in my head ("in my heeeeeaaad, in my hea-ah-ah-eeead, zohhhhmbie, zohhhhhhmbie, zohhmb-ie-ie-ie"). See what I mean?

That's just how my brain do.

But for real, it's been two weeks.  Last Sunday I'd finished up my yoga and meditation and was feeling pretty good about writing, but then leaving for dinner caught be by surprise (sort of).

Now I'm not entirely sure what I was even going to write about-ha!

Something gleaned during meditation, of course, but what was it.....

Maybe I should stop right now and go meditate and see what comes up....

Eh, but anyway, I have learned some lessons these last two weeks:

  1. The more a person reveals their deepest flaws to me, the more I trust them
  2. That's not always healthy
  3. This is yet another place I'm learning balance and boundaries
  4. I need to learn to say "Let me get back to you" more often than I say "Yes/Yeah/Sure/Of course!"
I've heard it said that we draw people into our life for a reason.  I like that.

It helps me think of this situation that way.

When I find myself frustrated with a thing or a person or a situation, I can ask myself "What's the purpose of this?  What can I learn from this?"

And then the thing, the person, or the situation no longer feels like this ominous thing- this enemy.

Then the thing becomes significantly profound*. 

*Say it in a dreamy voice with me now:  PRO-FOOOOUUUUND.

Which is great for me, because my little critter brain- the one that operates on fear and tells me that pretty much everything is a threat- can rest a little easier.

So my lesson this week, more than any of the others, is to take the time to actually evaluate how I feel about someone/something before jumping in.

My husband would probably tell you that this will never happen.  That I do it every time.

And I suppose it's true.  I always think the next one is different than the one before.

But maybe that's what could give me pause in the future.

Maybe when something feels so good and so new, before signing up for something that I can't sustain, I can say to myself:

(in my best Mommy voice) 

"Now, now, Ashley.  I know you're very excited, but let's think about this for a minute.  Maybe there are some things you aren't considering due to your excitement?"

I just have a tendency to be all heart and no head.  I know that isn't a bad thing, I just need to gain some balance in this area of my life.

And just like so many things, it'd seem the lessons I'm learning along this path called life are mostly two steps forward, one step back (we come together 'cause opposites attract, ah you know..).  Ha!  It happened again...

But hey, at least the path will be well-worn, right?

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